We had a great evening catching up on all the news, over drinks and dinner on Friday evening. We drove up to Southwold for the afternoon on Saturday and enjoyed a leisurely stroll along the sea front in the bracing sea air!! It was bit chilly for Liz who had been enjoying temperatures in double figures in Greece. For the rest of us I guess we are just glad temperatures are now above freezing!
Photo:Enjoying our walk along the sea front.
At last winter seems to be receding and Spring seems truly on its way.Time to get the garden sorted out! We had been brave (or some might think, rash) at the end of last year, just before the snow started, and had removed almost all the plants from the beds surrounding the grass in the back garden.
The idea was simply to unclutter it and to establish a garden with plenty of interest and colour in the winter months, when we would be around to enjoy it.
Photo of our empty flower beds
So with help from a very helpful and friendly local nursery owner, Susie, we purchased lots of winter flowing and evergreen plants. Last week she arrived with our order and I realised that whilst we might be changing the plants - by the looks of the amount we had bought, the borders would be no less full or busy than they were before! Undeterred, and with Suzie's expert help, we placed our new plants according to colour, size and ability to cope with shade - which we have quite a lot of! The result was very pleasing and we now hope they will have a very happy growing season and be splendid for when we get back in the autumn.
Photo of the garden with new plants!